*New 2024/2025 - Orlando Ballet ACADEMY 2 & ACADEMY 3 Eggplant Camisole Leotard with Logo
Camisole Leotards by Orlando Ballet
$ 39.99 - $ 42.99
Gift Cards by DanceWear Corner
$ 10.00 - $ 100.00
99437987 0.0lb Tax free
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Undergarments Accessories by Silky Dance
$ 5.00
SHDBSSO 50 34665 03350 4 2.0oz
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Make Up, Hair & Body by Frenchies
$ 14.99
#500 853435005009 4.0oz
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Bloch S0180L Adult "Heritage" Pointe Shoes -Pink
Bloch Pointe Shoes by Bloch
$ 118.00
S0180L-PNK-5.5-3X 688478850237 15.0003oz
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Covet Dance DA-PP Pointe Powders
Health & Fitness by Covet Dance
$ 9.99
DA-PP DA-PP 0.375lb
ALL Covet Dance dancer care Health & Fitness INV-02/24/23-SH reorder
Capezio 1142W Ava Pointe Shoe - Petal Pink
Capezio Pointe Shoes by Capezio
$ 105.50
1142W-PTP6.5M 886275300515 10.3988oz
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undergarments by Capezio
$ 14.50
TB111-BPKS 52931765589 2.0812oz
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Make Up, Hair & Body by Dasha
$ 2.99
2237-BROWN 812993021869 3.0oz
ALL color-black Core dasha Hair & Body hair-accessories INV-04/01/23-KS Make Up no-returns recital under-25
*New 2024/2025 - Orlando Ballet ACADEMY 2 & ACADEMY 3 Eggplant Camisole Leotard with Logo
Camisole Leotards by Orlando Ballet
$ 39.99 - $ 42.99
OBS4400-EGG-SA OBS4400-EGG-SA 6.0001oz
24/25 ALL child child-leotards leotards orlando-ballet size-adult-large size-adult-medium size-adult-small size-adult-xsmall size-child-large
Eurotard 210c Euroskins Child Convertible Tights
Convertible Tights by Eurotard
$ 13.50
210C-TPNK-L/XL 712693008156 3.986oz
ALL color-black color-caramel color-light-suntan color-suntan color-theatrical-pink color-white Convertible Tights eurotard Exchange Only NB size-child-large-xlarge size-child-small-medium size-child-xs Studio basics under-25
Eurotard 13828 Chiffon Finger Scarf
Liturgical Accessories by Eurotard
$ 7.99
13828-WHT 712693041627 0.9877oz
ALL color-black color-purple color-red color-royal color-white color-yellow eurotard liturgical-accessories Praise20 praisewear scarf under-25
Nikolay Miracle Pointe Shoe - Hard Shank
Nikolay Pointe Shoes by Nikolay
$ 115.20 $ 128.00 -9%
0525N-5.5-3X-H 65643344 15.0003oz
ALL BP20 fship nikolay NIkolay Pointe Shoes over-75 pointe-shoes reorder size-3 size-3-5 size-4-5 size-5 size-6 size-6-5 size-7 size-7-5