SOUND LANGUAGE, is an award winning elevated short film set in a Dystopian world where the spoken word has long been forgotten and people use rhythm to communicate. The story centers around “Dig" played by Dorrance Dance’s Nicholas Van Young and “Nati” played by Syncopated Ladies Co-Creator Maud Arnold. Dig and Nati believe that they can once again bring Earth back to its Utopian paradise by uniting three warring (Step, Tap, and Drum) tribes to create one harmonic song. The rhythmic language will be supported by subtitles creating a unique foreign film unlike no other.
DWC Promo
Behind the Scenes
Dancewear Corner was excited to partner on this amazing dance film project. As a company, we continue to explore ways to become more involved in the dance industry and provide the dance community not only with quality dance wear but with opportunities to perform, continue their education and dancing careers. We look forward to increasing our presence in the dance film industry.
Jon DeMott
The first time we met we talked for two hours about our ideals and our visions. We quickly realized we had synergetic goals that ultimately led to our collaboration on SOUND LANGUAGE. We pitched them on a Dystopian world where spoken word fell into myth and rhythm was the only means of communication. They instantly fell in love with the unique idea and fully committed to making Sound Language. I truly value my relationship with Rosemary and Jon. It is because of them that my vision became a reality!
Scott Poiley