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How to Dye Your Pointe Shoes with Pointe Shoe Paint

Dancers will use anything to dye the color of their pointe shoes: to make their pointe shoes look cleaner, change the color of their pointe shoes to match their skin color more, or make it a fun pop of color. 

Having a different color pointe shoe will make a statement in your photo shoots, competitions, or shows. 

How does it work?

Pointe People have created a simple way to change the appearance of your pointe shoe. Since the pointe shoe paint is water-based, it’s easy to clean if you make a mess.

It’s easier to absorb, unlike regular paint. Regular paint can add cracks to your pointe shoe and have a hard time spreading around. While pointe shoe paint spreads and absorbs easier into your pointe shoe. 

All you have to do is put a few dots on your pointe shoe and slide it down. After you've spread it around your shoe, let it dry. One bottle will paint only one pair of shoes.

Pointe Shoe Paint is simple and easy to use. It’s designed to make it easy for the dancer to dye their pointe shoes without the mess and convenience. It’s quick to apply and dry. It’ll help make a statement without losing the beautiful look every dancer loves in their pointe shoe, allowing them to wear it again. 

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