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How To Apply Corrections Quickly

Dance teacher doing corrections

Even though we tend to see corrections as negative criticism, it's the exact opposite! Receiving a correction, it shows your teacher is investing in your growth and journey as a dancer. Corrections are all part of the process, so don't let it get you down. Instead, look at them as a guide to get you where you want to be! Now, let's talk about some tips to help apply corrections more effectively and quickly. 

Tip 1: If you want to apply any corrections, you need to understand what they are.

It's impossible to correct something if you are not 100% sure what needs to be improved. If you are unsure how to apply the correction, ask your teacher to explain it more in-depth. Having a clear understanding will give you a better opportunity to apply and work on it. Keep in mind: asking for clarification will also show your teacher that you are listening and want to improve!

Tip 2: Write down all your corrections!

Sometimes we aren’t able to apply corrections simply because we forget about them! You think you'll remember what you need to work out, but it's also easy to accidentally forget. This is why it can be beneficial to keep a journal with you to write down any and everything so you can remember it later! This notebook: "Footnotes: The Little Pink Book for Dancers" is a great example! It has designated places to write down your choreography, combinations, corrections, celebrations, and so much more!

Tip 3: Asking for feedback is a helpful way to stay on top of your corrections!

After a few classes or rehearsals, it is a good idea to follow up with your teacher to ask if they have noticed any improvement on what you’ve been working on. Don’t be discouraged if there is still more room for improvement; dance is an ever-evolving art form that always leaves room for growth!

Tip 4: Doing repetitive exercises.

Your body will start to adapt, and those movements will become second nature. Studies show that repetition learning increases memory and detail performance, so it’s a win-win! Everyone knows the saying "practice makes perfect,” but what we like to think of instead is, “practice makes progress." Don't practice until you get something right, but practice until you cannot get it wrong!

dance teacher correction

Corrections aren't something that can be fixed or resolved immediately; they are an everlasting work in progress and part of your journey that shapes you. Try adding some of these methods to switch it up and apply those corrections! 

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