2 Exercises for a Higher Front Extension
Lie on your back. Hold the Flexistretcher by the elastic shoulder-width apart and pull your hands away from each other to create a resistance. Bring your arms are straight up toward the sky with the strap right over your chest.
- Extend legs toward the sky and lift your head and shoulders up off the mat. Reach toward your legs and gaze in at your belly button.
- Lower one leg down to a high diagonal and lift the other leg higher to touch the elastic.
- Hit the elastic twice with the leg up, while the other reaches long.
- Switch legs and hit the elastic twice while keeping your arms in a fixed position.
- Scissor at thigh: 5-10 reps
- Scissor at shin: 5-10 reps
- Scissor at top of foot: 5-10 reps
SETS: 1-3
Lie on your back. Hold the Flexistretcher by the elastic shoulder-width apart and pull your hands away from each other to create a resistance. Bring your arms are straight up toward the sky with the strap right over your chest.
- Extend legs toward the sky and lift your head and shoulders up off the mat. Reach toward your legs and gaze in at your belly button.
- Lower one leg down to a high diagonal and lift the other leg higher to touch the elastic.
- Hit the elastic twice with the leg up, while the other reaches long.
- Switch legs and hit the elastic twice while keeping your arms in a fixed position.
- Hold the Flexistretcher by the elastic center, shoulder width apart and pull to a tension for the duration of the series.
- Maintain a neutral spine and pelvis.
- Keep your arms above your chest.
- Use your abdominal muscles to pulse the leg and do not move your arms.
- Feeling strain in the neck? Leave the head on the floor.
- For more intensity lift your arms higher over head and lengthen the bottom leg lower to the ground.
- Switch the legs 5 times and hold with one leg raised and pressing into the Flexistretcher center for 10 counts. Repeat 10 times.
WATCH OUT FOR: Incorrect alignment by tucking the pelvis under and using momentum by 'swinging' the leg to complete the movement.
DANCER FOCUS: This is a great exercise to help improve front extensions. By encouraging abdominal engagement to move the leg into a greater range of motion you will strengthen your abdominals in a functional manner. |